Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You've Got a Friend in Me ..John 14:15


It's Saturday and I am thinking about my manchild! His first Saturday away. I wonder what he will do today. I started praying and asking God to bring him a friendship that would bring God glory and Critter companionship. I was concerned he might be lonely. Not the kind of lonely where you are physically alone because he is in the "5 feet" zone. He has to stay within 5 feet of his "big" and earn the privilege to have more space between them. The kind of lonely where you could be at a football stadium filled with fans for your team and feel empty and all alone.

ANYWAY, I sensed God drawing me to His Word and I went to John 14:14. This verse says, "whatever you request along the lines of Who I Am and what I am doing, I'll do it." request was for God to get glory in Critter's friendship and for Critter not to be alone, I think that lines up with God's heart. I keep reading and laughed out loud at God's goodness and His greatness!

John 14:15 says, "(The Father) will provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth." He had already answered my prayer for my sweet manchild!! Critter has the Holy Spirit always with him!

Maybe tonight you are praying about something. I am sure you have told God all about your request. Go to God's Word and let Him talk to you! He is good and compassionate and Psalms 111:4 says He causes His wonders to be remembered. What wonders has He done for you that you need to remember? Those awesome memories will be the faith fuel He uses for you to trust and obey Him for this request that is on your heart.

How do I know? I did Critter's Senior Page for the school yearbook today. I wept and I laughed as I looked through the boxes of photos God has blessed us to experience with our manchild. I remember praying for him when he was still in his birthmother's womb. I remember the first time I held him in the church nursery where we picked him up from the adoption agency. I remeber when he finally learned to read. He wanted to stay up all night and keep reading because he thought if he went to sleep, he might forget how to read. I remembered all his firsts...and as he is having another first today..his first Saturday @ Shelterwood..God has filled me with the faith fuel of the wonders of all He has done in Critter's life and I choose to believe He has good in store for my sweet manchild.

What are you choosing to believe about your requests? Are you choosing to say,"I will sing to the Lord because He has been good to me"? Ps 13:6.

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